(在小飛機裏,Yoshie和Cony第一次相遇, Tofino,加拿大)
(2001年 Yoshie, Cony , Rob 打水漂, Tofino, 加拿大)
(2001年 ILSC校外活動初相遇Tofino, 加拿大)
(2001年 洗溫泉,Tofino, 加拿大)
(2001年, 酒吧派對 Lalo, Diana, Cony, Yoshie, Kenji)
(小狗照, Gen, Cony, Itana, Sunil, Rachel, Yoshie, at 寄宿家庭)
(2001年, 酒吧派對 , Jenny, ?, Joon sir, Cony, Yoshie, David at Roxy)
(2001年, 酒吧派對 Diana, Cony, Hana, Yoshie)
(2001年, 扮 007,在Andrea家)
(2001, Yoshie在維多利亞)
(2001, 寄宿家庭合照)
(2001年, 酒吧派對 在 purple onion bar)
(2001, Yoshie 在學校ILSC)
(2001, Yoshie 和我們另一日本好友 Sache)
(2001, Yoshie看冰上曲混球和Joonsir and David)
(2001, Yoshe 穿旗袍-我們一起去買的, Robert, Rob and Alex at Rob's house)
(2001, 在Rob家派對)
(2001, 在Andrea家派對) )
(2001, 亞洲朋友酒吧派對)
(2001, Yoshie準備的聖誔大餐在Rob家)
(2001, Yoshie準備的聖誔大餐在Rob家)
(2001, 七國人種大派對在Andrea家)
(2001, 亞洲朋友飯局)
(2002, 落磯山脈之旅)
(2002, 落磯山脈之旅)
(2002, 落磯山脈之旅和所有日本團友合照)
(2002, 落磯山脈之旅, Cony 和Yoshie 在結冰的露易絲湖)
(2002, 溫哥華機場送行 )
(2002, 哇! 在Andrea公寓)
(2002, 北溫公園出遊照)
(2004年七月, Cony婚禮)
(2004年七月, Cony婚禮)
(2004年七月, Cony婚禮)
(2006 年5月, 日本東京行)
(2006 年5月, 日本東京行)
(2006 年5月, 日本東京行)
(2006 年5月, 日本東京行,東京鐵塔)
(2006 年5月, 日本東京行)
(2006 年5月, 日本東京行)
(2007 年4月Yoshie來看Cony,因為生意失敗她怕我想不開)
(2007 年4月Yoshie來看Cony)
(2007 年4月Yoshie台灣行)
(2007 年4月Yoshie台灣行-故宮)
Dear sis Yoshie,
You are always my best sister in the world. No matter where you are, I am always be with you. We had done so many funny, stupid, crazy things together, nobody can take it from our memory. Thanks for everything you have done for me. You are such a brave girl fight the cancer. I am so pround of you. Fews days ago, we talked on phone for a long time. I heard from your voice but couldn't have any clear voice, I pray for you not too suffer any pain. God take you to the heaven. I am very sad about your leaving but happy for you to be health in another world. We will meet somewhere someday. keep contiue our sistership again.
Love you forever Sister Cony
From My homestay parents to Yoshie:
To all of you who loved Yoshie including Yoshie's dear family, Yoshie's life is to be celebrated. She was a woman who embraced life fully. She was always curious about so many things and she followed her heart without hesitation. She was brave as we can see how she fought her cancer and generous in wanting to pass on knowlege about her desease and to donate her organs. She was generous in many other ways which we have each experienced in our own ways. What ever Yoshie did she did quietly, in a dignified way. We are so fortunate to have known her. Thank you all for keeping us in touch with Yoshie. We wish her peace and we hope her good energy shines on all of us.
Love to all of you.
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意洽Cony0913-809-587, 0982-847-499
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English website:http://www.dlccony.com